Welcome to the OFFICIAL Cutis website on NEOCITIES!!!

ABOUT US: Cutis is a female fronted punk rock band (currently a solo act) from Maine, we make a grungy 90s Seattle-based sound influenced by Nirvana, Wipers, Babes In Toyland, Soundgarden and many more!! Some call us queerpunk, some call us hardcore, others call us grunge, but at the end of the day, we are CUTIS. again thats CUTIS, C-U-T-I-S!! Cutis Spotify.

Maybe we would be better off if we defined our sound better, so yesterday (as of writing this on December 3rd 2024) me and friend Laz, of the band Bunker Rat went over potential genres this band may fall into, I.E: Punk Rock, Grunge, Sludge, Melodic Hardcore, blah blah blah you get it, at the end we never really got it, like some songs are very clearly punk, Watch Out, Passing Lane, etc. But others are more Sludgy-metal like Nanimonai. some are some weird combo of them, so we just say this band is it's own genre, my one wish with my art is that I NEVER want to be lumped in with the posers of modern alt rock. My art isn't compareable to those posers, if you don't know who I'm talking about, consider yourself VERY lucky. I won't name any names because I don't feel like their names deserve to be on my website.

I will be making another website for my gear and stuff, kinda like how The Offical Wipers Website has a section for Greg Sage's gear and other technology, I kinda want to do that as well, cause a few of my guitarist friends are interested in how I make my $20 Solid State Ibanez GT-10 sound like a decent-quality vaccum tube amp, and I dont really blame them, cause I'm still wondering how the hell I did that, like all things considered I should NOT have been able to do that, also just to put out there, I don't use amp sims or emulators, I don't enjoy the sound of overproduced computerized amplifiers. But this other website will probably take a little bit cause I'm more of a hardware girl and I kinda suck at coding. At some point I will be buying or building my own vaccum tube amp. Greg Sage pointed out that modern tube amplifiers are running at lower wattages, to quote him: "Unfortunately much of the newer affordable tube gear runs the tubes at a very low voltage 5 to 10 times lower than tubes were originally designed to run at. sometimes as low as 12 volts. This is to cut the cost of using high voltage power supplies." - Source. Based on this information I have decided I will be designing, building and using my own tube amp. Is this irresponsible? Yes. Could this easily kill me if I mess up something? Absolutely. Will it sound cool as hell? YEP!!! I've been interested in vaccum tubes for a bit but never saw them as "that important," now, I feel for the sound that's lingering in my big ol' dome, this may be important. Very important. I would go and buy some old vaccum tube that runs at a high voltage, but do you really think a 16 year old punk rocker has a couple thousand dollars just laying around? nah, hell no I don't.

We here at Cutis belive:

heres some other social media the bands twitter!